In order to lead a purposeful life where you are aware of your true potential avoid these traps that anyone can fall into easily
Do not underestimate yourself:
How can you hope to understand anyone else if you do not truly know your own self Step back,take a hard,objective look.Know your strengths and weaknesses;work on improving the former and diminishing the latter.Understand you are as good as the best with your own set of handicaps,as we all are.
Do not lead a meaningless life:
Do not just cruise along.Set yourself goals so as to measure your life by achievements.Consider the realm of possibilities,aim a little beyond that.Break your goal into smaller targets and get going.Keep reviewing these goals and remember to keep shifting goal posts.
Do not ignore doing the right thing:
Whenever your heart and mind lock in conflict,just do what you consider right,rather than desirable.You will never live to regret it.For this,you must have a clear set of principles,a firm code of ethics that guides your life.This may or may not meet societal guidelines,but must be well thought out and weighed in your own estimation of what is good and bad;right and wrong.
Dont get rooted in comfort zones:
The easiest thing to do is work out a set of coordinates that create a comfort zone,and to rest within that.But keep creating disruptions that shake things up a bit and allow you to look and aim beyond the immediate and the available.That is the only way to grow.Creative destruction is an art that we must all learn.
Do not be strangers to your spiritual self:
Focus on what you wish to tell yourself;listen to what the Universe wishes to make you aware of.Try meditation and silence;it helps you transcend the self and connect to your spiritual side.It is then that perspectives shift and all questions are answered.
Avoid negativity:
Consciously school yourself to think positive.Do not associate with negative people.Make it a habit to remain happy and focussed.Cultivate hobbies that keep you engaged and creatively occupied.Do not play blame games;instead play games that keep the brain young and functioning.
Do not hold grudges:
Learn to forgive others and more importantly,yourself.Neither blame nor pity anyone.We all make mistakes;what is important is not to repeat them.Vengeance is a poison that harms the carrier.Grudges make us bitter and stressful.Let go,and move on.Understand and believe that we all meet our just deserts in due course.
Never lose dignity:
Be yourself.Do not strut around with borrowed feathers,nor allow yourself to be pulled down to the level of those who play nasty games.Do not push yourself into situations or relationships just because you feel it must be done.Adhere to the diktats of your inner self;maintain your dignity and standards.You do not need to explain yourself to anyone;be your own best critic and judge,responsible for yourself and your circumstances.
Do not ignore your core group:
Carve space and time for people close to you relatives and friends.These are the people who stand by us in good and bad times,those who sustain and cherish our very souls.Do not waste time on parasitic relationships.
Cherish the smaller things:
Life and love are nothing but a stringing together of moments.It is in the smallest things that we find our most beautiful and sometimes most catastrophic moments.Never ignore the small for the larger picture.Take time to appreciate and be grateful for the many little blessings you are surrounded by.It will go a long way in reducing that killer stress and making you a happy person.
You can never be everything to everyone,so choose your priorities carefully rather than spreading yourself out too thin.This will help you lead a satisfying,happy life.
(Source: TOI, 06.04.14)
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