Balasaheb in my dreams!! !
When I heard the news of Balasaheb’s death, first thing came
to my mind was to rush home…reason being shivsena and TOD FOD (तोड फोड ) was synonymous…people feared that shiv sianiks wld come and force them
to close down the shops and if it was not adhered to, they wld throw stones and
damage the shops!...this was a normal thinking of most of the people….When I
heard his death first thing came to my mind was to reach home safely…..When I remembered
yday’s thoughts now, I feel bad….I am writing this blog with tears in my eyes…..Had
heard about Balasaheb from parents, relatives, friends, newspapers….Everyone
had very strong views about him…They always said he fought for US!!for Marathi manoos…..At
that time, I never could fathom what they meant by this...what he fought for US…now I realise what
it is to a Maharashtrian…We always used to lightly/ jokingly say That we
are Maharashtrians….but now I realise it was his fights & efforts which made us proudly
say that we are Maharashtrians..we are Marathi….I now realise the importance of
being a Marathi manoos and staying in Mumbai….
Through this blog, I wish to write a few things which I felt
today about balasaheb….I too like any other Mumbaikar feel a very tremendous
loss to Maharashtra / Mumbai … self
Yesterday till late night I was watching Balasaheb’s news on
the TV….In the morning around 5.11 am I woke with a start!!!I had actually
dreamt about Balasaheb…..I can actually remember the dream….There was a small
bed kept in between two row houses…we were waiting for his body to be kept
there…..after few minutes they arrived with the body and placed it on the bed…I
saw him sleeping peacefully on the bed….suddenly he got up asking for something…and
I was actually taken aback…at the back of my mind he was dead and lying on the
bed for people to pay their last respects…. And on the other hand he got up and was asking
for something..I was too scared to even open my eyes…..I could hear the sound
of the crows …realised it has be moring..slowly opened my eyes and looked at
the watch… was 5.11am….
Today when I analyse my dream, I actually think that nobody
wants to believe that he is NO MORE….People are actually saying Balasaheb parat
ya (Balasaheb come back!!)…At this moment even I feel he should come back….He
should be immortal….He cannot be compared with anyone….his charismatic
personality and his oratory skills are simply uncomparable…..I have been
watching his funeral procession since morning 7am…..It is unbelievable …He is /
was a very multi dime nsional person…..lakhs of people following the procession
without having a single drop of water forget about anything to eat…..what is
it that he had…people said he helped people from all walks of life….most of
these politicians came from very poor family….He helped to come up in life…Hekept
his political life and personal life separately….He fought with Pawar openly
but on the same time he had good personal relations with him…to that matter
will all the other politicians….be it a congress / BJP …..To have a follower of
all kinds of people, all age groups irrespective of males / females is really
Usually if an actor dies people don’t go to attend the
funeral but to see the stars!!!...But this procession was different…People from
all over Maharashtra had come to attend just becos they loved him like a family
person …or else what ulterior motive they can have ….I have never seen such a
sea of people for any funeral...
Really there will be none like HIM!!!....He was
fearless and people longed to hear his speeches….They were straight from his
heart…What he felt HE said…never thinking its implications…..He owned
everything….The good the bad!!!!!!!!!....People used to wait for Deepawali and
Dussehra for his speeches at Shivaji Park….He was liked not only by Shiv
sainiks but also from opposition parties!!...He was very open humourous,
respected artistes…..since he himself was a very good cartoonist….I am in awe
of people standing wherever they find a place just to have a last glimpse of
their beloved person….Its really unbelievable…..No one had forced them to come
for this funeral..It is only and only their love and respect for this person….
It is said that, his followers are not only from his
generations..but even next generations…even youngsters followed fact they are the majority now....this is a
very rare quality for any politician to have ……
Truly, this person must be really something to have such a huge following…..I actually feel now that what it is to be a Marathi manoos…consciously , unconsciously it was his efforts which
made us proudly say that I am a Marathi manoos…
He never asked people to follow him…He just had to utter
words and people used to follow it..He singlehandedly ruled shiv sena for 40
It is really very sad.. the place where he gave speeches and
had ruled for so long from Shivaji park his last rites are also held there….I
can imagine people’s feeling what they actually must be going through when I can
feel those only thru a one day’s journey…..Till now it is very difficult to believe that he is NO MORE...
Tearful Adieu

Police gave a salami before placing HIM on the pyre for last rites.....Apart from the Thackeray clan performing the last rites, two ward boys from Lilavati hospital, two helpers (from their house who were always there with balasaheb) also joined with them to perform the last rites....This is one of the qualities of the Thackeray's..They never discriminated people....
Thousands of people were gathered at shiv tirth, Shivaji Park to see the last glimpse of their beloved person...Even Arabian sea would have felt ashamed to see the sea of people gathered at the park...20 thousand police force and more than 20 lakhs of people from all corners of Maharashtra had come to bid a final farewell to Balasaheb...

This is indeed one of the saddest day of my life.
There will be none like Balasaheb ......fearless and a patriotic person
Tearful Adieu
Police gave a salami before placing HIM on the pyre for last rites.....Apart from the Thackeray clan performing the last rites, two ward boys from Lilavati hospital, two helpers (from their house who were always there with balasaheb) also joined with them to perform the last rites....This is one of the qualities of the Thackeray's..They never discriminated people....
Thousands of people were gathered at shiv tirth, Shivaji Park to see the last glimpse of their beloved person...Even Arabian sea would have felt ashamed to see the sea of people gathered at the park...20 thousand police force and more than 20 lakhs of people from all corners of Maharashtra had come to bid a final farewell to Balasaheb...
This is indeed one of the saddest day of my life.
There will be none like Balasaheb ......fearless and a patriotic person
interesting things i read about him last week in the magazine 'Ananda Vikatan' was that 6 tamil guys were with him closely till end as his personal body guards...
ReplyDeletebala saheb is close to tamils too...