Was conversing with a late 60s guy in a meeting. Asked him where he resides...He said next to Lilavati hospital....Over the conversation, he said recently I have started visiting a Ganapati temple which happens to be exactly opposite his house.. adding to the conversation, he said temple has become like an ICU unit....was slightly taken aback..Temple referred to an ICU unit!!!!!!difficult to digest....seeing my expression he said usually you will find 80+ people visiting that temple!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Security Check....
Recently bus has started entering from Gate C instead of Gate House...As usual security check is done before allowing the bus to pass the gate...have observed the security checking only the ID's of the people who sit at the rear of the bus! ! !........i think he is still carrying the thought that backbenchers are mischievous...was glancing outside the window and happen to notice that one of the security was wearing cartridges around the belt.....mentioned this to Mr. Bhende who was sitting next to me.... dialogue between him & Self....
Self: why he need to wear them, unnecessarily burdening himself
Mr. Bende: will he go searching for them in case of emergency??..
Self: hmm...
Mr Bhende: however it may happen that one of them may not work if used after a long period of time...does bullets have the tendency of getting rust?...imagine at the time of need, the person in action fires and instead of the gun fire, only air comes out!!!!!!!!!!!can it happen???.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Accented voice....
Was returning yesterday evening from office by bus. One of my friend (sitting next to me) was on international official call..Realised that he was having difficulty in hearing the responses from other side...Hence closed the windows to avoid the outside noise...When he finished the call, I opened the windows..He realised that I had closed the windows since he was on the call...thanked me and said it was difficult to grasp the conversation as the person had Spanish accent. i nodded my head....immediately he received a call from his wife....after completion of the call he turned to me and said "wife ka kaun sa bhi accent ho, pata chal jata hai ! ! !....one can understand any accented voice of the wife!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 18 November 2012
My Take on Balasaheb....
Balasaheb in my dreams!! !
When I heard the news of Balasaheb’s death, first thing came
to my mind was to rush home…reason being shivsena and TOD FOD (तोड फोड ) was synonymous…people feared that shiv sianiks wld come and force them
to close down the shops and if it was not adhered to, they wld throw stones and
damage the shops!...this was a normal thinking of most of the people….When I
heard his death first thing came to my mind was to reach home safely…..When I remembered
yday’s thoughts now, I feel bad….I am writing this blog with tears in my eyes…..Had
heard about Balasaheb from parents, relatives, friends, newspapers….Everyone
had very strong views about him…They always said he fought for US!!for Marathi manoos…..At
that time, I never could fathom what they meant by this...what he fought for US…now I realise what
it is to a Maharashtrian…We always used to lightly/ jokingly say That we
are Maharashtrians….but now I realise it was his fights & efforts which made us proudly
say that we are Maharashtrians..we are Marathi….I now realise the importance of
being a Marathi manoos and staying in Mumbai….
Through this blog, I wish to write a few things which I felt
today about balasaheb….I too like any other Mumbaikar feel a very tremendous
loss to Maharashtra / Mumbai …..to self
Yesterday till late night I was watching Balasaheb’s news on
the TV….In the morning around 5.11 am I woke with a start!!!I had actually
dreamt about Balasaheb…..I can actually remember the dream….There was a small
bed kept in between two row houses…we were waiting for his body to be kept
there…..after few minutes they arrived with the body and placed it on the bed…I
saw him sleeping peacefully on the bed….suddenly he got up asking for something…and
I was actually taken aback…at the back of my mind he was dead and lying on the
bed for people to pay their last respects…. And on the other hand he got up and was asking
for something..I was too scared to even open my eyes…..I could hear the sound
of the crows …realised it has be moring..slowly opened my eyes and looked at
the watch…..it was 5.11am….
Today when I analyse my dream, I actually think that nobody
wants to believe that he is NO MORE….People are actually saying Balasaheb parat
ya (Balasaheb come back!!)…At this moment even I feel he should come back….He
should be immortal….He cannot be compared with anyone….his charismatic
personality and his oratory skills are simply uncomparable…..I have been
watching his funeral procession since morning 7am…..It is unbelievable …He is /
was a very multi dime nsional person…..lakhs of people following the procession
without having a single drop of water forget about anything to eat…..what is
it that he had…people said he helped people from all walks of life….most of
these politicians came from very poor family….He helped to come up in life…Hekept
his political life and personal life separately….He fought with Pawar openly
but on the same time he had good personal relations with him…to that matter
will all the other politicians….be it a congress / BJP …..To have a follower of
all kinds of people, all age groups irrespective of males / females is really
Usually if an actor dies people don’t go to attend the
funeral but to see the stars!!!...But this procession was different…People from
all over Maharashtra had come to attend just becos they loved him like a family
person …or else what ulterior motive they can have ….I have never seen such a
sea of people for any funeral...
Really there will be none like HIM!!!....He was
fearless and people longed to hear his speeches….They were straight from his
heart…What he felt HE said…never thinking its implications…..He owned
everything….The good the bad!!!!!!!!!....People used to wait for Deepawali and
Dussehra for his speeches at Shivaji Park….He was liked not only by Shiv
sainiks but also from opposition parties!!...He was very open humourous,
respected artistes…..since he himself was a very good cartoonist….I am in awe
of people standing wherever they find a place just to have a last glimpse of
their beloved person….Its really unbelievable…..No one had forced them to come
for this funeral..It is only and only their love and respect for this person….
It is said that, his followers are not only from his
generations..but even next generations…even youngsters followed him.in fact they are the majority now....this is a
very rare quality for any politician to have ……
Truly, this person must be really something to have such a huge following…..I actually feel now that what it is to be a Marathi manoos…consciously , unconsciously it was his efforts which
made us proudly say that I am a Marathi manoos…
He never asked people to follow him…He just had to utter
words and people used to follow it..He singlehandedly ruled shiv sena for 40
It is really very sad.. the place where he gave speeches and
had ruled for so long from Shivaji park his last rites are also held there….I
can imagine people’s feeling what they actually must be going through when I can
feel those only thru a one day’s journey…..Till now it is very difficult to believe that he is NO MORE...
Tearful Adieu

Police gave a salami before placing HIM on the pyre for last rites.....Apart from the Thackeray clan performing the last rites, two ward boys from Lilavati hospital, two helpers (from their house who were always there with balasaheb) also joined with them to perform the last rites....This is one of the qualities of the Thackeray's..They never discriminated people....
Thousands of people were gathered at shiv tirth, Shivaji Park to see the last glimpse of their beloved person...Even Arabian sea would have felt ashamed to see the sea of people gathered at the park...20 thousand police force and more than 20 lakhs of people from all corners of Maharashtra had come to bid a final farewell to Balasaheb...

This is indeed one of the saddest day of my life.
There will be none like Balasaheb ......fearless and a patriotic person
Tearful Adieu
Police gave a salami before placing HIM on the pyre for last rites.....Apart from the Thackeray clan performing the last rites, two ward boys from Lilavati hospital, two helpers (from their house who were always there with balasaheb) also joined with them to perform the last rites....This is one of the qualities of the Thackeray's..They never discriminated people....
Thousands of people were gathered at shiv tirth, Shivaji Park to see the last glimpse of their beloved person...Even Arabian sea would have felt ashamed to see the sea of people gathered at the park...20 thousand police force and more than 20 lakhs of people from all corners of Maharashtra had come to bid a final farewell to Balasaheb...
This is indeed one of the saddest day of my life.
There will be none like Balasaheb ......fearless and a patriotic person
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Speed Breaker
A funny incidence happened yesterday at RCP Gate house. I had to reach Dadar @ 6.30. ...You invariably tend to have surprises at the last minute when you wish to leave early..Ended up leaving late from Office..I usually have the habit of walking a bit fast. Since yesterday I was already late, I had increased my speed of walking. When I reached Gate house, security called me...I thought since my ID card was not visible he wanted to check it..I showed him the card...Can you guess what he said ??? Madam, speed limit 30 ka hai!!!!!!!!!!!!....
Thursday, 4 October 2012
One liner...
Person saying I don't have time, is only an excuse....everybody has time...it is only a question of priority!!!!!!!!!!
one liner
One liner.....
I want to be "The Women' in some one's life and NOT "The Other Women" in some one's life!!!!!!!!!!!!
one liner
Friday, 14 September 2012
Post 11pm at Kandivali station
It was 11.15pm..I was returning from Dadar. Was amazed to see people waiting to take ticket(s) at the ticket counter!!!!!!!....Are the Mumbai Ticket checkers awake at that time????....was amazed becos during day time, I sometimes avoid taking a ticket.....My father retired from western railways...I still think that it is our birthright to travel free!!!!!!!!!
when I was walking down the steps of the bridge, noticed one person removing the mud from the steps....Imagine person cleaning the steps at 11pm!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, bus conductor (his duty hrs had over) actually getting down at a proper bus stop and not between the stops, not at the signal neither near the turning points!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Train Journey
Monday, 10 September 2012
Liked this poem on rains ....
Rains were the first approval of our love,
The wet roads, and you holding my hands,
The crowded streets but we did not remember that
we are in crowd,
We were lost in each others eyes,
But today still that crowded streets is there,
but we are not there in this crowded streets,
The eyes are still lost in that time,
Today eyes are not wet by rains ,
but eyes are wet because you are not there.
That time has been passed when we parted away,
but memories have not parted us from each other,
I want this rains too wash out my pain.
The pain which runs all over my mind and soul.
(source: www)
Saturday, 25 August 2012
One liner...
When I shut my mouth
and turn and walk away,
It doesn't mean you've won.
It simply means that ,
you are not worth any
more of my time.....
and turn and walk away,
It doesn't mean you've won.
It simply means that ,
you are not worth any
more of my time.....
one liner
तिला पाऊस खूप आवडतो ; आणि मला ती
तिला बोलायला खूप आवडतं ; आणि मला बोलताना ती
मला ती खूप आवडते पण ....तिला नाही आवडत मी......
म्हणून खड्यात गेला पाऊस ....आणि खड्यात गेली ती ! ! !
Liked this prose, hence wanted to share with non-maharahstrians....This is for you GUYS :)
She likes rains a lot; and I like her in the rains......
She likes to talk a lot; and I like her talking....
I like her a lot.....but she doesn't like me!!!!!
Damn the rains....damn her! ! !......
तिला बोलायला खूप आवडतं ; आणि मला बोलताना ती
मला ती खूप आवडते पण ....तिला नाही आवडत मी......
म्हणून खड्यात गेला पाऊस ....आणि खड्यात गेली ती ! ! !
Liked this prose, hence wanted to share with non-maharahstrians....This is for you GUYS :)
She likes rains a lot; and I like her in the rains......
She likes to talk a lot; and I like her talking....
I like her a lot.....but she doesn't like me!!!!!
Damn the rains....damn her! ! !......
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Book Club
club meeting was held on August 01, 2012 at Business Lounge over lunch….
Books were read / discussed:
Sharma: None….
Dabholkar: Maya da /
Jean Sasson
Nilagiri: books by
Charu Nivedita (Tamil books)
Songs of Blood & Sword / by Fatima Bhutto
Vivek: The Prize / Daniel Yergin
Vandana: We weren’t lover’s like that../
Navtej Sarna
reading Mayada, Deepali said we are very safe in Mumbai. The way females are
tortured in Islamic countries are beyond imagination. Mayada was from the
political family. She was kidnapped and imprisoned in the notorious Baladiyat Prison—headquarters of Saddam
Hussein’s infamous secret police. Her family was one of the most
distinguished and honoured families in Iraq. She was tortured from within the
body so that her outer appearance didn’t show any marks on her body….. This is
really worth thinking….We have so much still we yearn for more…If we don’t get
the desired things, we curse people…when you read such kind of books, one is
forced to think that our life is much much better!!!!!!!!!
found the book very captivating…She found the author very bold and has
described all the things very minutely….the book revolves around her father’s
life…she found the book was written after doing a very thorough research on the
facts…In-spite of she staying abroad, her heart still belongs to Pakistan.
discussed a book on history of Oil…In the olden days how oil was manufactured /
traded/ how the terms related with oil came into existence…One of the example
he mentioned was of barrel….earlier people used to have liquor stored in the
barrels. Later the same were used to store oil…hence the term barrel…
discussed books authored by Charu Nivedita…Most of his writing are in
Tamil….Karthik mentioned that his some of his books are based against God,
marriage, social practices, etc. Charu Nivedita has also written numerous
articles on various topics such as politics, literature, music, cinema, post-modernism,
general human beliefs and many more…..When we were discussing the theme on God,
Amit had a fundamental question “Is God there” ???.... This is a very debatable
point….Many of them say, God is everywhere….it is there within you….But then
how do you define God...is it that there is some supernatural powers….I believe
that there is some supernatural powers in existence. When you are deep in
trouble, every one tend to remember “GOD” and NOT THE SOLUTION ! ! !.....I have
experienced myself these powers…..even doctors decides the fate of the patient
citing faith / belief and will of GOD!!!!!!!!......Any takers????
the dialogue from the movie Angels & Demons by Dan Brown…
Camerlengo: Do you believe in God,
Robert Langdon: Father, I simply
believe that religion...
Camerlengo: I did not ask if you
believe what man says about God. I asked if you believe in God.
Robert Langdon: I’m academic. My
mind tells me I will never understand God.
Camerlengo: And your heart?
Robert Langdon: Tells me I am not
meant to. Faith is a gift that i am yet to receive.
discussed the book We weren’t lovers like that…book was not so great…About the book: Aftab's wife Mina walks out of their
weary marriage for another man, Rajiv. Aftab, humiliated but not hurt, gives up
his insipid job, pissed off by petty office politics, and takes the Shatabdi
Express to Dehradun, following a frail hope of reunion with his long lost love,
Rohini. The book covers his journey from Delhi to Dehradun; his journey from
his conformist and timid past to the promise of a content future.
reading the book was just wondering, the role of “other woman”…does she always
have to be blamed for breaking the marriage!!!!!!!!!!or is she the ONE who
gives emotional strength to the person…As Vivek rightly said, every
relationship is based on some “NEED”…..except for the school friends where you
don’t expect anything back in return…..where the need of some kind is not
FELT….One doesn’t even realise that we should be gaining something out of this
friendship….However, over the years, unconsciously, you develop friendship with
some desire / need / expectation in mind…….If you try to analyse it, you will
find that in any kind of relationship there is always some kind of expectation
from other person…When you don’t get anything out of the relationship it ceases
to exist.. doesn’t have the same charm as it used to be!!!!!!!!!
are based on trust, understanding, confidence…… ……. Lack of these “ends the
more to ADD????
Book Club
One liner.....
People change either when they've learnt a lot...... Or if they've been hurt a lot....
one liner
Monday, 30 July 2012
J Krishnamurti's Quote....
"It is a terrible thing to rely on another about the way of life, to be told what to do, how to behave, what righteousness is or is not- this seems to me a state of immaturity and no one can make you mature; all that one can do is to listen and learn...... "
Busy, busy and busy....
I am bugged with this word 'busy".....Are people really busy? ? I have actually stopped calling people who responded to my call saying they were / are busy with work...agreed that they might be busy for one day, two days, three days but cannot be for weeks!!..i refuse to take this explanation.....have realised that it is a question of priority... Do you think, that they may not have called a single person for those many days...absolutely not!!!...they definitely call their family, clients....for these, they are not busy..but when you call, they will give thousands of reasons (or are they excuses!!) for not calling / remembering you.....uuuughhhhhhhhh...I hate these kind of people!!!!!!
Ganpatipule, Ratnagiri (March 2-4, 2012)
Every birthday ends up either by going to office, if it is a weekday or at home if it is a Sunday / holiday...Fortunately/unfortunately, if not any other day, but on birthday I end up reminiscing on my past ...Result: : no significant achievement which I could boast of .....This year, I made it a point that I will visit one religious place within India on my birthday...Since any good / new work starts with praying to Lord Ganesha, I started my first religious visit by going to Ganpatipule....
It was an overnite journey by ST bus. Reached Malgund around 7.30am......One of my friend Mr. Shailesh Salgaonkar, suggested me to stay at Malgund instead of at MTDC resort in Ganpatipule. This place is 2 kms away from Ganpatipule. I was hesitant at first, since I was travelling alone and the place also was new to me. However, i decided to give it a try...I was in for surprise, I realised, I had taken a very wise decision by heeding his advice. (Generally i listen to people but dont follow them or their advice)...First instance, I fell in love with the place.....It was a small village....with trees on both sides of the road....The place was very calm.....
It was an overnite journey by ST bus. Reached Malgund around 7.30am......One of my friend Mr. Shailesh Salgaonkar, suggested me to stay at Malgund instead of at MTDC resort in Ganpatipule. This place is 2 kms away from Ganpatipule. I was hesitant at first, since I was travelling alone and the place also was new to me. However, i decided to give it a try...I was in for surprise, I realised, I had taken a very wise decision by heeding his advice. (Generally i listen to people but dont follow them or their advice)...First instance, I fell in love with the place.....It was a small village....with trees on both sides of the road....The place was very calm.....
First Spot: Keshavesut Smarak:
This is a place of a very famous marathi poet Keshavsut...This place is now being used as a hostel and a public library. This library stacks approx. 25000 books and has been awarded as the best public library.
Second Spot: Omkareshwar temple: This temple is located slightly away from the residential area.Nearby there was nothing except farms. Not a single person could be sighted near the temple. I was bit scared to sit in the temple. However, thought I shdnt be scared since it was a temple. God is there with me...Sat for sometime...Place was so serene that i could hear the sound of the wind....Felt too good.....I could actually feel positive vibrations all over the place.
Third spot: Someshwar temple: Locations and the atmosphere was very similar. This temple had a nice sitting place outside the temple...temple was made up of wood. Temple was locked but could see the diety from outside. Could hear the woodpecker's call. This place was also lonely. Not a single person was in sight. Was thinking If God happens to pass by, I would be the only one to get all the wishes granted!!!!!!!!
Liked the place so much, that i was completely engrossed in reading prayers. Decision of coming to this place was worth it!!
Fourth spot: Ram mandir: This temple was one of the oldest temple. It had a huge place. Students come here for study.
Fifth Spot: Vitthal Mandir: Same calmness. temple was not locked. opened it sans making any noise...Noticed that there was no daan peti....
Sixth Spot: Hanuman mandir: This temple was also closed. However they had put Hanuman mantra on the record. finally some sound!!!!!
Had a lovely lunch at SWAD... Ambiance and food was tooooooooo good....liked the restaurant very much.
Visited Prachin konkan. They had depicted the old konkan through mud images....
Ganpatipule Temple: Walked from Prachin konkan place to Ganpatipule. It was almost 1 and 1/2 kms. Walking in these places is not at all tiring. You feel like just walking...cool air and less pollution.....Temple is situated at the banks of the beach. pradakshina is 1km. one has to walk around the temple. After Ganpati darshan, sat a the beach. Sunset was tooooooo good. Enjoyed this visit very very much.....

Next day: Birthday...early morning went to malgund beach...On the way, met many female farmers.... aksed them where they were going...was sure they were not going to the beach....they said they were working at the farms...There is this particular seed called "kulit" which is a local food. these seeds have to be removed before sunrise...could hear the sound of the waves. beach was clean and hardly 5 - 6 people were on the beach....had a lovely walk along the beach. watched the sunrise...suddenly remembered that i forgot to carry my camera...was cursing myself....(when i told this to my brother, he said but Tai u had mobile with you.!!!!)....missed capturing sunrise pictures....however they were captured with my eyes....while returning took a shortcut..crossed from the farms...had a lovely breakfast....
Visited Ganpatipule mandir to get blessings on my birthday.......sat for few minutes....this was one of my best celebrated birthday...praying at Ganpatipule.........
Since Velneshwar temple is famous for Shiva's temple, everywhere you will find images of the snakes..it is said that snake actually visits on Shivaratri day.....Since I had gone on other, I could not witness the visit of the snake..Had this wish of seeing actual snake since had heard that there were many in the village...when i was returning back from Karateshwar mandir, i actually got to see a snake crossing the road.......
Later on, visited Hidvi, Velneshwar, Jaigad fort, Karateshwar mandir, Swami Samarth math and finally lighthouse....
Second Spot: Omkareshwar temple: This temple is located slightly away from the residential area.Nearby there was nothing except farms. Not a single person could be sighted near the temple. I was bit scared to sit in the temple. However, thought I shdnt be scared since it was a temple. God is there with me...Sat for sometime...Place was so serene that i could hear the sound of the wind....Felt too good.....I could actually feel positive vibrations all over the place.
Third spot: Someshwar temple: Locations and the atmosphere was very similar. This temple had a nice sitting place outside the temple...temple was made up of wood. Temple was locked but could see the diety from outside. Could hear the woodpecker's call. This place was also lonely. Not a single person was in sight. Was thinking If God happens to pass by, I would be the only one to get all the wishes granted!!!!!!!!
Liked the place so much, that i was completely engrossed in reading prayers. Decision of coming to this place was worth it!!
Fourth spot: Ram mandir: This temple was one of the oldest temple. It had a huge place. Students come here for study.
Fifth Spot: Vitthal Mandir: Same calmness. temple was not locked. opened it sans making any noise...Noticed that there was no daan peti....
Sixth Spot: Hanuman mandir: This temple was also closed. However they had put Hanuman mantra on the record. finally some sound!!!!!
Had a lovely lunch at SWAD... Ambiance and food was tooooooooo good....liked the restaurant very much.
Visited Prachin konkan. They had depicted the old konkan through mud images....
Ganpatipule Temple: Walked from Prachin konkan place to Ganpatipule. It was almost 1 and 1/2 kms. Walking in these places is not at all tiring. You feel like just walking...cool air and less pollution.....Temple is situated at the banks of the beach. pradakshina is 1km. one has to walk around the temple. After Ganpati darshan, sat a the beach. Sunset was tooooooo good. Enjoyed this visit very very much.....
Next day: Birthday...early morning went to malgund beach...On the way, met many female farmers.... aksed them where they were going...was sure they were not going to the beach....they said they were working at the farms...There is this particular seed called "kulit" which is a local food. these seeds have to be removed before sunrise...could hear the sound of the waves. beach was clean and hardly 5 - 6 people were on the beach....had a lovely walk along the beach. watched the sunrise...suddenly remembered that i forgot to carry my camera...was cursing myself....(when i told this to my brother, he said but Tai u had mobile with you.!!!!)....missed capturing sunrise pictures....however they were captured with my eyes....while returning took a shortcut..crossed from the farms...had a lovely breakfast....
Visited Ganpatipule mandir to get blessings on my birthday.......sat for few minutes....this was one of my best celebrated birthday...praying at Ganpatipule.........
Ganpatipule temple |
Since Velneshwar temple is famous for Shiva's temple, everywhere you will find images of the snakes..it is said that snake actually visits on Shivaratri day.....Since I had gone on other, I could not witness the visit of the snake..Had this wish of seeing actual snake since had heard that there were many in the village...when i was returning back from Karateshwar mandir, i actually got to see a snake crossing the road.......
Shri Swami Samarth |
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Have you thought of ? ? ?....
I recently bought a VIP suitcase for the trek....Selected a maroon colour bag suitable for 8-10 days of vacation....this bag is sans wheels...One needs to lift it up....In the shop I could easily lift the bag since it was empty...The salesman also said this bag is better than others (meaning the bags with the wheels)..I usually rely on the salesman's advice. However, the decision turned out to be incorrect....bag became very heavy to carry once the stuff was in....since i had invested money in the bag, didn't wanted to show my stupidity for not opting bag with the wheels.....when i was carrying the bag at the Mumbai central station, my friend said i took a good decision by not opting for a wheeled bag...I looked at her enquiringly...she said, I am helping the coolie fellows by buying a non wheeled bag..she said becos of the wheels people have started carrying their own bags instead of taking the help of the Coolie !!!!!!!!!!!!!HUSH!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Trek - Deo Tibba Base, Manali (May 21/June 02)
Trekking is an addiction! !...Once you do it and you are hooked...Only one needs to go with an open mind..no luxuries / no expectations.....end result is the "immense satisfaction".....people have always asked me, what happiness you get by climbing mountains, not taking baths for days, staying in tents / schools/ dormitories.....I just smile and tell them to experience only one trek...and they themselves will realize...no-one can describe the happiness which we get, but one has to experience on their own ...I manage to do one trek a year...this year it was Manali.....went with a "Zhep adventures", Pune..Trek was from Delhi -Manali - Delhi....My friend (Mukta) and myself booked rajdhani...We both prefer taking a train rather than flying....you get to meet people on the train...journey becomes quite enjoyable...Our fellow passengers were interesting lot...one family with 3 kids and one guy who happened to be on a trek to Manali...of course not from our group...
We joined our group at Delhi....From Delhi we went by bus to reach the base camp at Manali...It almost took 18 hrs to reach the bus camp...normally it takes 14 hrs to reach Manali. Since the vehicle was a local bus..had difficulty in climbing the mountains.....Everyone who treks to Himalayan mountains..they have only one thing in mind..to see the snow clad mountains and the journey thru greenery / pollution free roads! ! ! the view of the mountains is so magnificent that you feel you are in HEAVEN!!!!!!
Finally we reached our base camp (Prini village, 3 kms from Manali)..we freshened ourselves..had a good dinner....instructions were given for the next camping sites..and the minimal things that we would carrying for the next 6 day trek...
Day 1 of the trek: Thakshak Nag, Arjun Gufa to Tilgan....(10kms)
- reached Sharban temple...beautiful wooden structured temple...surrounded by huge trees..almost 200 yrs old.... en route to Tilgan, via Shuru Gaon..crossed many farms & gardens...plums / cherry / apples/ apricots / spring onion / garlic,/ variety of roses. .Reached Tilgan camp (2100 ft) around 1pm. View of the camp site was superb...all the tents had a good view of snow clad mountains...view was breathtaking..it was worth the trek...we were given a welcome drink , followed by soup and then lunch....food was too good....later there was an net climbing activity followed by tea and snacks.....followed by soup..dinner..day ended with a campfire with hot chocolate....
- started for the 2nd camp at 8am..after a sumptous breakfast we were given energy packets....we crossed mountains / lakes, snow falls, walked through forests....mostly there were pine and deodhar trees... reached the camp around 1pm..every camp had a menu set...welcome drink, followed by lunch, tea & snacks, soup, dinner, hot drinks....it is very essential to have liquid drinks since the intake of water is less as you go higher & higher....and one activity....we did valley crossing...
- en route, took halt at a place Jogi dug ...this was the place where people worshiped Bhajwan Fali Nag..This Nag is the smallest one out of the 18 Nags.. Every three years people take procession of the Nag idol through the villages....reached the camp at 12.30pm...every camp was better than the earlier in terms of the breathtaking view.....we did Rappelling...
- Passing thought: do these mountains enjoy visitors???or do they think we are nuisance!!!they need to be left alone???
- camp was too good...surrounded by mountains, water falls.. deodhar trees, bhoj patra trees 9ancient people used their leaves for writing) Junifer trees (used for agarbattis), .these are used instead of agarbattis at the temple...reached the camp at 12.45pm.... experienced snow fall in the evening..did rock climbing...
- this was our last camp site....it is said that gods reside on this mountain..that is why the name Deo Tibba...one can actually visualise the mountain image..it was just like Lord ganesh resting on the mountain.....site was simply superb....one has to see to believe it...one could actually feel the positive energy....we could actually feel we were in heaven....our tiredness just vanishes after seeing the beauty of the mountains.....one interesting observation I made...right from the first camp till the last camp, one particular bird gave us company ..that was the CROW!!! is that the reason why it has so much of importance in religious rites, I wonder!!!!Looking at the mountains, one is forced to think whether these mountains play any role in protecting US!!!..the answer is YES....they withstand all the seasons... .they protect us from all the natural calamities....it is very essential that we save them...
- .had a lovely time on the glacier.....in the evening it rained heavily...it was too cold.....we actually had to borrow additional clothing from the organizers to survive the cold....
- started our return journey...since the camp was at the lower lever, climate was slightly better....did river crossing...could do only half the crossing..was scared stiff looking at the river...
- en route to the base camp, crossed Allain Duhagan Hydra power project (192 MW)...
- Pandu Ropa...it is said that Pandus stayed here..
- Reached base camp...
Noticed that all the houses had two horns on the top of the roof..considered to be an auspicious ...and every house had apple and apricot trees and rose shrubs.....
They even have a festival in which they throw apricots in each other's garden....reason being too much apricot cultivation.....
We started our return journey from Delhi.back to Mumbai...was feeling very bad leaving all the nature behind...however was already planning for the next year trek....told you, trekking is an "addiction" ! ! !
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