Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Is being single a curse or boon....

Whenever you meet married friends, one always gets to hear as to how am I very lucky, fortunate for not being married!!! Reasons: no hassles of getting up early for preparing "dabbas" of kids/husband....taking studies....bearing the tantrums of kids/husband....list goes on and on......will they ever realise what stress we go under for being single...addressing to the people who wish to get married but are not yet:......."grass is greener on the other side" is so true & apt......if you think rationally, then yes it is both a boon as well as a curse....Curse: when u attend parties / weddings/get-together's ..you will find yourself alone in the ocean of people.......people have the habit of being inquisitive as to why /how we remained single.....whether there are/were failed relationships, affairs,...feel awkward to attend the weddings esp of younger cousins....people tend to add adjectives which the single person would be far away from those traits......in short, we find ourselves the victim of other people's comment who themselves may not be successful in their relationships....men take you for granted....they think we are always available to them for entertainment......if you happen to be close with male friends, females comment sarcastically on our single status......it is so sad that a women fails to understand a women..how do you expect MEN to understand !!!!!!!.....no one to pay the bills for the purchases made....most of all you feel lonely.....there is no one to share your experiences (good/bad).....last but not least your own family, relatives look down on you for being single....it is very very sad state of affairs...no female would wish to remain single by choice unless you have your own set of priorities or have decided not to get married........
Boon: free to do anything...no time bound activities....you are on your own to take the decisions......you tend to become independent, economically, financially  as well as emotionally, have time to devote to social activities / hobbies....can be advantageous if it depends on achievement of meaningful life goals and quality of the relationships you create.....


  1. "we find ourselves the victim of other people's comment who themselves may not be successful in their relationships....men take you for granted....they think we are always available to them for entertainment......", it appears to be a very nasty comment. Every rational person will understand that we are what we are by choice or ignorance, not by force. Hecne rationality demands respect for choice of everybody until it negatively affects others. Expect good, good comes. Expect Bad, it will follow to prove one's feeling right so that one does not loose faith in oneself.

  2. Genreally no one in this world wishes to be Single by choice , but may be due to circumstances or cos of past experiences one may chose to be so. As you rightly mentioned, being single ( be it a Single Female or a Single Male ) has it own pros n cons , still if given a choice, m sure more than 90 % of Singles would love to have someone as their partner to share the journey of the balance life. Not only because they get bogged down by the external world and its harsh treatment towards them, but by our basic vertue of being , everyone seeks dat someone special wid whom he/she can confide n open his/her real self. Now that is a different story if with time one may get bored of that someone special or may realise that this is not the one he/she was looking for....but still having someone in life is NECESSARY !!!
    As you mentioned that the Grass seems to be greener on the other side, hence it is very Important for every one to experience da GRASS on both the side and then make a Final choice . But the basic problem lies in da fact that this society of ours has corrupted almost all the minds by makeing everyone belive that that someone special has to be your Husband or Wife !!!! Sad fact is that moment one puts up a chain ( people prefer to call it a Marital Bond ) around a relationship, its DEAD or its on the path towards DEATH. Over a peroid of time only the CHAIN remains, Love or dat Relaitionship is gone....

    So...to be happy in life....da best one can do is to be open for all the options....enjoy all the options avialable till you actually find someone special and once you find HIM/HER...enjoy the next wave of being in a Relaitionship. If that relationship works...Good else...you already have an experience of being alone...so RESTART !!!!

