Monday, 28 March 2011

Fish and the water

On March 27, 2011, we went on a trek to Lohgad....We were 30 participants...One of them was a small 4yrs old girl named word to describer her: CUTE.......when we (grp of 7 ppl and lakshata) reached the fort, we happen to come across a a small pond, 3 ft below the ground level...we cld see small fishes , frogs swimming....water was cold...since the weather was hot, this water was refreshing for us....immediately, the 2 guides emptied their bottles and started to fill up the bottles to refresh ourselves..we were busy freshening ourselves with the cool water, when suddenly we heard lakshata's concerned voice for the fish..we were spellbound when we heard her telling us not to use the water...aksed her why??? Do you know what she said ??????she said, if we take the water from the pond, the water will get over and the fishes will DIE!!!!!!!!!first reaction of her father's was to THROW THE WATER HE HAD IN HIS BOTTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. this shows the difference in values for kids and adults...
    kids are concerned with environment... lakshata was caring for fish...
    adults are more self oriented... her dad poured the water away as he was more concerned about his health...

  2. So cute,how pure a thought !!!, God bless Lakshata
